Donate And Participate With Us
The reach and success of the projects of Bethel Religious and Social Welfare Foundation depend heavily on the benevolence of organizations and individuals committed to improving the children lives living with physical and mental disabilities. You can participate by volunteering or by way of donations. We earnestly solicit your support and involvement in our activities.
How You Can Support Our Work Financially
Though one-time contributions of any amount are welcome, we encourage you to make a regular recurring contribution to Bethel Religious and Social Welfare Foundation which may be made annually, half-yearly or quarterly. One-Time contributions will also be highly appreciated.
As per Indian Tax Laws, it is mandatory to have full name, PAN Card and address of the contributor
else it will be treated as anonymous and will be subject to taxation. -
For any queries, write to us on or call on 091-233-2211330
All Indian contributions made to Beth EL Foundation are eligible for tax deduction of u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.
All financial contributions made to Beth EL Foundation are tax exempt under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.
To make a financial contribution please proceed with below information
Bank Account Details:
Account Name: Bethel Religious and Social Welfare Foundation
Account No.: 50200060087801
IFSC Code: HDFC0002691
Branch Name: Sangli Miraj Road